Welcome to the Fools Website!

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Some of the Fools Art Work

the Fools AREDN MESH Radio HAM tutorials

some of the Fools ramblings

My Tarot Booklet - The Hero's Journey, 34 pages describing each architypal card of the Major Arcana and its influence on the Fool and his journey through life.

The Human Radio - A 7 page story about what a Radio might "think" if it began to become aware of its own existance and nature.

Free Will and the Magic Show - Free Will and how we might consider it.

The Space-Time Continuum - Life is like spending time in a National Art Gallery - see how it might work.

So Many Questions - There's never too many questions - have you considered these.

To Be or To Do - What do you want to Be.

Life On The Lake - Are the boats and the waves alive.

Life in a 17th Century Play House - Are we living in a Shakespeare Play.

Are we like Magnets - Do Opposits Attract, or Does Like Attract Like - you can't have it both ways, can you.

More about Attraction - Actually, this is a combination of a series of articles about Life, Duality, Male/Female energy, How we (may have) got here, and how Reincarnation might work (if at all) - it's worth a read, and leads us to the next couple of topics ...

You Choose Your Life - Did you choose your life, before you came here.

Victims And Villains - Are there any.

Here's the biggy!

Sectret Life - The Awarenes GameClick for a better view In 2007-8 I designed and built a Game (of Life). I've decided to put the electronic files on line, for those that might, just, find it.

There's a lot too it, but lets start with a small shot of the 22 inch board, at 500 px it's still possible to zoom in and read the text. And then, the Rules of the Game.
The Rule Book - What ARE the "Rules" for Life AND, How do you KNOW?
The Full Size Board - This a Secured PDF and needs a password to open it. You should be able to work it out quite easily if you read the manual first. It will need to be printed on 24" paper, and preferably laminated, to keep it in good order.
Six Packs of Cards - I wrote the card decks into a spreadsheet, so I could easily maintain them. A script merges them and produces formated output that matches standard 2x4 layout card stock. I print each deck with its own backing image, but I've included a complete merged set here (about 250), for you to get started with.
The Rules are summarized and put on 8 cards to share amongst the players - Each player monitors the game and tries to enforce the rules that they are entrusted with.
Are our life actions recorded somewhere - In this game, you have the chance to record what happens to you during your Play, but will you do it?
Does our Name affect our Lives - The 12 avatars used in this game are a combination of various attributes and can be considered as a meditation aid, even separate from the game. Read the card that matches your selected player number. Play the game with this character in mind.
Keep track of your Direction in Life - with Anti-Clockwise on One Side and Clockwise on the other. Start with ACW and Turn it over when appropriate. Clockwise
There's more, but you have to supply these items yourself: tokens for GOLD, TALENTS and AWARENESS, 12 player pieces, and a 12 sided dice (or 2 x 6 sided, but that will change the energy, a bit).
This Game is very much like Life - it has a great number of hidden things built into it. Some people don't even notice the most obvious ones, but there are ones that will need a serious code-breaker to find - is that you?

the Fools is still Making Things

Made Two Cigar Box GuitarsClick to enlarge A couple of Cigar Box Guitars I just made, in the last month or so (Nov/Dec 2021). OK, not REAL Cigar Boxes, they are not so easy to come by anymore. Both 3 Strings, tuned to EBE, the left one is 25 inch scale, and the other is 24 inch. Both have piezo pick-up, 1/4 inch Jack socket and volume knob.
Trouble is, you can't just make "one" CBG, I already have two more planned!